My Pregnancy Options ACT Logo

Find out about your pregnancy, abortion and contraception options in the ACT

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Where to access services for abortion, contraception, or for support to make a choice about a pregnancy in Canberra.

Your choices if you are, or become, pregnant and are unsure whether you want to continue the pregnancy.

Types of abortion, your choices when having an abortion, what to expect, and costs and other practical information.

an overview of different contraceptives, where you can access them and where to go for more information.

Easy English Guides

Coming Soon

Pregnancy and abortion are common and are a part of life.

In Australia, as many as 25-40% of people who become pregnant did not plan to. They may want or not want these pregnancies.

Chances are that you know someone who became pregnant unexpectedly.

Your pregnancy options are the different options you have if you become pregnant and are not sure if you want to have a baby.

An abortion is a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy on purpose. In Australia, having an abortion is safe and common.

Roughly 1 in 4 women in in the ACT (and Australia) will have an abortion in their lifetime. Some abortions are for medical reasons.

Chances are that you know someone who has had an abortion.

Contraception is medications, devices or surgery which you can use to prevent pregnancy.

We use some other words which are medical language on this website. These words may not be used in normal conversation. You can find a list of definitions here .

Important information

Please note we talk about topics that some people and communities may find upsetting or sensitive, including adoption, kinship and foster care, and violence.

We also use some medical words for body parts. This includes uterus vagina and penis. We use these to make sure we are clear and correct. We acknowledge that some people may use different terms for their body. 

If you feel upset by anything on this website or have feelings you want to talk about it, you can call the support services below. These are external services. They are not operated by Women’s Health Matters.

Emergency contacts

24/7 culturally safe crisis support for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, by Aboriginal and/or Torres people. You can find more information here or call 13 92 76.

24/7 crisis support. You can find more information here or call 13 11 14.

24/7 support for people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic, family or sexual violence. You can find more information here or call 1800 737 732.

Peer support and referral to LGBTIQ+ people and people supporting LGBTIQ+ people with a phoneline 3pm and midnight. You can find more information here or call 1800 184 527.

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