Adoption, alternative and kinship care

Continuing the pregnancy and choosing adoption, alternative and kinship care

You can choose adoption, alternative or kinship care arrangements. This is where you continue the pregnancy, birth the baby and then the baby is cared for by someone else permanently or for some time.

These arrangements can be formal or informal. Depending on the circumstances, you may or may not continue to have contact with the child.


Adoption is a choice where the legal rights and responsibilities for the child are transferred permanently to someone else. It is a formal arrangement. This means that the person or people who adopt the child become their legal parents.

You and the other birth parent must consent to the adoption of the child. Consent means giving permission for something.

Sometimes, it’s not possible to have the other birth parent consent. There is a legal process for this if it is in the best interests of the child.

You can help choose the adoptive parents, so that the child may have things that are important to you such as a cultural connection or religion.

Adoptions in the ACT are open. This means that you can stay in contact with the child if you wish to.

Child and Youth Protection Services arrange adoptions in the ACT. There is more information about adoption in the ACT here.

Alternative or kinship care

Alternative or kinship care is a choice where someone close to you cares for the child, if that is what you want. This could be a family member or member of your cultural community.

Alternative or kinship care can be an informal or semi-formal arrangement. You may keep some or all legal rights and responsibilities as the parent.

You can contact Women’s Legal Centre for legal advice or referral about alternative or kinship care arrangements. You can find more information here or call 02 6257 4377.

There are also formal foster or kinship care arrangements. These are managed through Child and Youth Protection Services.

Support services for people impacted by adoption or foster care

Relationships Australia

Provides Forced Adoption Support, for parents, adopted people and other people affected by forced adoption. You can find more information here or call 1300 364 277.


Provides 24/7 culturally safe crisis support for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, by Aboriginal and/or Torres people. You can find more information here or call 13 92 76.


Provides 24/7 crisis support. You can find more information here or call 13 11 14.

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