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Migrant and refugee women and people

Different cultures and countries have different beliefs, values and experiences around pregnancy and abortion.

Your experience of healthcare in your home country may be different to healthcare and services in Australia. This includes pregnancy and abortion care.

In Australia, qualified doctors and nurses provide abortions. Abortions are legal and safe medical procedures.

In the Australian Capital Territory, it is legal for a person to have an abortion at any gestation.

There are also laws that protect you from being harassed when you go to a clinic for an abortion in the ACT.


An interpreter is a person who speaks two or more languages. They help you to talk with people who speak a different language.

You have the right to have an interpreter when making or going to a healthcare appointment. You do not have to pay to have an interpreter. 

Call 131 450 for the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) and name your language and give the phone number of the health service.

You should tell a health service that you need an interpreter when you book your appointment. The health service will arrange an interpreter.

If you forget to tell the health service that you need an interpreter before your visit, you can still ask for a telephone interpreter when you arrive.

You should tell the health care service as soon as possible if you cannot go to your appointment. This is so they can tell the interpreter.

Translated information about abortion

Find translated information about abortion in Australia in the following languages here:

Jean Hailes developed and translated these factsheets.  

Abortion if you do not have Medicare

If you are living in the ACT, you do not need to have Medicare for free pregnancy options counselling or abortion up to 16 weeks gestation. This includes if you are living in the ACT for study or a working holiday. You can go to any of the services listed here for free.

You will not need to use your private health insurance policy. This means any health services you use will be private. They will not be listed on your health insurance medical record.

You will need to pay the full fee to have an abortion if the pregnancy is more than 16 weeks gestation. You will also need to pay if you live outside the ACT (including in Queanbeyan or Yass).

If you need to pay for an abortion, you should check your private health insurance policy to see if it includes sexual and reproductive health care in Australia.

Not all private health insurance includes sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion.

We recommend calling Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (SHFPACT) Pregnancy Options Counselling Service, who can help you find a service after 16 weeks gestation.

You can find more information here or call 6247 3077 to schedule an appointment.

Pregnancy care if you are a migrant or refugee

If you find out you are pregnant and choose parenting, it is important to understand your healthcare and financial support in Australia. It may depend on your visa, permanency or refugee status, or your home country.

You can find information here on support if you are on a visa. This information is from Pregnancy, Birth and Baby.

Other services

Multicultural Hub Women’s Service

Personal assistance and information for women who have recently arrived in Australia up to long-term residents.

 This can include information and referrals, counselling support and advocacy and helping you connect with other services. You can find more information here or call 6100 4611.

Companion House

General practice health services for refugees, usually for their first 12 months in Australia. You can find more information here or contact 6251 4550.

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