Young people

You can have an abortion in the ACT no matter your age. It is legal and available to anyone who can become pregnant.

This means that if you are under 18 years old, you can have an abortion. To have medical treatment, including an abortion, you need to be able to give informed consent.

 You can give informed consent to medical treatment if you are 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 years of age, generally your parent/s or guardian/s will need to consent to treatment.

There are some circumstances where you may be able to give consent on your own. You can find out more about consenting to medical treatment if you are under the age of 18 from Youth Law Australia.

Guardian's consent

You may also be worried about your privacy. You may be wondering if you can have an abortion without your parent/s or guardian/s knowing.

It is possible to have an abortion while you are under 18 years of age and without your parent/s or guardian/s knowing. However, it will depend on your age and personal situation.

Youth Law Australia provides more information about these circumstances and your rights at the doctor, as well as on abortion.

You can also call Youth Law Australia for legal advice.

You can find more information here or call 1800 950 750


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